2018: Once more with feeling

Hi everyone! I've been involved in some amazing projects lately, like two novels, Cliffhanger app stories, video scripts for Frederator, and more! Oh yeah! I also taught myself to code ebooks and that's like, 1/3 of my day job now. So, that took a minute, but totally worth it! Technical skills for the win! But … Continue reading 2018: Once more with feeling

The Two Stairways

This is a story about alternate universes, music, and motherhood, and it's told in diptych (split into two halves). The diptych sections happen concurrently, and are included as photos here, because I have no idea how to teach that formatting to WordPress (yet!). You should read the diptych sections as you please, just know they're … Continue reading The Two Stairways


Here's a weird one: my take on a 1950s Noir/ghost story. Ghostwriter When he figured it out, Drake McConn was on his third smoke break, leaning against the grey marble of the Dallas Morning News building. He stared at the front page of that day’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram. THE FARMER SLAYER STRIKES AGAIN, the headline … Continue reading Ghostwriter